Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Going racing ? or trying your hand at enduro's, then let us all know how you got on or whats involved.
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Re: Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Post by Gwyn » 07 May 2009, 18:42

knackeredMk1 wrote:Entry list out -

Seven CRMs. 5 over forty and 2 over fifty - 'Old Codgers' rule :!: ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Post by knackeredMk1 » 07 May 2009, 22:18

There are a few bikes in the 'trail' section that I would have thought are enduro bikes :?: .

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Re: Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Post by knackeredMk1 » 08 May 2009, 17:11

Changed my gearing from 13/48 to 13/45 to be able to 'speed' down those fire roads (I wish :roll: ).

Much better on road behaviour :) .

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Re: Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Post by Mudfacetony » 09 May 2009, 07:25

[quote="knackeredMk1"]What sort of 'special' features are the scrutineers looking for on 'trail' bikes :?: .

Do they want pillion pegs fitted or indicators on :?:[/quote]

They don't look for anything special. The things they check are brakes, spokes and wheel bearings, oh and the ACU sticker on your helmet. There is a big difference between rally scrutineering and road racing so don't get hung up about it.

I also thought there were a number of bikes in the trail class that should be in the sports class, some TE's and CRF450's come to mind. Got my gearing at 13/45, you need lots of speed on the fire roads.

I'm not sure how they work out start positions as IU put myself down as a good clubman (3) so there must be lots of experts in the event ;)

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Re: Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Post by knackeredMk1 » 09 May 2009, 09:43

List has changed somewhat.

I'm at the head of the 2 lappers :shock: - I'm only there to bimble around :?:

3 over 40 CRMs in the 'B'imble class.

Roughly how long is a lap :?: . (distance/time).

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Re: Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Post by knackeredMk1 » 11 May 2009, 09:51

Was very good and you could basically go at your own pace with long rests if you wanted to. Mostly fire roads with occasional tricky (1 very long & tricky) descents/ascents and some rut riding. 35 miles a lap (first lap was bit shorter for lower order riders as big queues at second special stage) with ~ 4 1/2 hours to finish (for me).

I did 2 laps which meant I only did 3 recorded sections (on second lap) which took about 10 minutes each as I remember (I could be very wrong about this :roll: ). Most riders elected to do 3 laps but I think that would have done for me (I was in bed & asleep by 7.30pm :oops: ).

Nice to meet up with Gwyn, Adrian and Davey Munroe. Saw Mudface Tony's bike (which was not the worst condition Mk2) but not him in person.

7 CRMs started 1 Mk1, 3 Mk2s, 1 Mk3 and 2 ARs. Only one DNF due to mechanical fault and you can guess which FMtB :roll: .

Thanks to the Hafren Dirt Bike Club for a very well organised event.

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Re: Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Post by Mudfacetony » 11 May 2009, 11:24

Cracking day out! I thought this was a bit harder than the Ryedale for people but my make Neil (2 lapper) thought it was easier. I met Gwyn but did not have much time to talk unfortunately. I also had a very brief talk with the guy on the Mk3 (No35?) who broke down on the first lap. Most unlike CRM's!

I think I will do the next couple of Welsh rally's great organisation and really friendly folk. Camping will be a must in August. Hope to see you all at the next one.

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Re: Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Post by knackeredMk1 » 11 May 2009, 13:44

Thought 35 was an AR ;) .

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Re: Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Post by Gwyn » 11 May 2009, 16:13

Ade and myself set off around 1pm on Saturday for the campsite, and start of the 2009 Tarrenig Rally, at the Glan Severn Arms near Llangurig. Weather forecast for the weekend wasnt supposed to be to bad, but when we arrived , it was pissing down with rain, and we thought fek the tent, and we'll sleep in the cars. But after a couple of hours, the rain stopped and the sun came out, so up went the tent. Prepped the bikes, took a walk around the now full campsite field, and met some friends we had not seen for a while, before attending the Hog Roast. And what a great meal it was too. Pork, home made sausage, pototoes, about 3 different types/flavours of pasta, salad, and plenty to go around. Had a drink at the bar, and turned in about 11pm to get some kip. Got up at 6am to the sound of birds singing, cockerals crowing and Ade fekin snoreing. Full entry of 249 for this event so we thought we would get the bikes scrutineered early, as scrutineering and signing on started at 7.30am. Crm flew through, but Ades XR failed with loose spokes. Ade tightened up what he could and tried again. But again it failed on loose spokes. Time was getting on now, but as luck would have it, the guy's parked next to us had a spare bike (WR450) they would lend Ade. When Ade went to scrutineer the WR, he mentioned the loose spoke scenario to the scrutineer who said if you've tightened the spokes on the XR again, we will check them again, which they did, and this time it passed. Our start time was now upon us, so i set off for the first Test, while Ade finished getting ready to ride. Ade then met me at the start of the second test.
The course itself was 3x 50km laps, with 3 timed sections per lap, but not timed on the first lap (sighting lap). The course was a great mix of terrain, long very steep rocky downhill, muddy ruts, tree roots, stream crossings, forest track, single track whooped sections and a poxy, bastid, fekin rocky, slippery as poo, on a corner fekin hillclimb that i failed to get up, 3 times. And guess what, right at the start of a timed section. Anyway, coming to the end of the second lap after the timed sections, thank fek, Ade gets a puncture and is escorted back to the pits by a marshall to fix the puncture, and i carry on to finish the lap. I come to the top of a longish downhill rocky section and notice quite rapidly that the header pipe of the exhaust has come away from the barrel. So i continued down to the bottom of the hill where i will inspect the problem. Big fekin mistake. On inspection it is the end can that has come off due to the bracket braking, again. So off with all my kit, and climb the fekin hill to get my silencer back, which i eventually did, but only just, as a fellow rider thinking it was a bit of junk, was about to throw it into the woods and clear of the track.
Silencer zip tied on and back to the pits where i wire on the silencer to finish the event. Ade in the meantime is not fixing his puncture, oh no, he is standing next to a mint, nice clean WR450 to finish the event. We both did the last lap without much incident except for me trying to get up that horrible fekin hill and going over the bars, and failing again. Great to meet Mudfacetony, and to meet Knackered, Davey and Liz again. Roll on the Beacons Rally, 2 day, in August (i think).

In all a great event, and great to bump into a lot of friends, old and new, you know who you are. And also a big huge thank you to The Hafren Dirt Bike Club for organising and holding a fantastic event with a great course, and of course the marshalls for helpin me and many others up that hill.

Pics to follow.........................
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Re: Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Post by Gwyn » 11 May 2009, 16:33

Cant post up pics so there's a few on here...................
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Re: Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Post by Gwyn » 15 May 2009, 14:31

Provisional results are up......................... ... esults.pdf

Really suprised at some of the times. I think Ade will be right Peed off.

But cant take away 4th in the trail class for Tony, 1st in beginners for Knackered, 6th in the beginners for Liz, but what the fek happened to Davey????

A big well done to all that took part 8-) 8-) 8-) :)
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Re: Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Post by fallenmikethebike » 15 May 2009, 16:54

:D a big well done to all of you, and glad you all had good and safe time.

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Re: Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Post by Mudfacetony » 18 May 2009, 19:35

even later than the results, my report of the event.

A 5am start from the East midlands after travelling down from the North East the night before, Neil (CRM in the beginners class) and I set off at swift pace in my van. When we got to Newtown we stopped for some petrol for Neil's bike. The van would not start and lights on the dash were like a set of disco lights!

A quick push backwards and it bump started so we trugged on to the start and hopefully a parking spot where we were facing downwards. We managed to stop at the back of the pub on ahard surface with a slop near by so at least with some help we could get it running again for the trip home.

The que for signing on did not seem to go down so it was on with all the gear before signing on so we would not be late starting. Having signed on, Neil had an extra hour to wait with only doing 2 laps, I had about 20 minutes spare. In front of me were loads of lads I know who are in "Larf" so I jockingly said, you had best keep out of my way in the timed sections to one friend Tony. Some chump on an XR400 said, you won't get past Tony on his 450 "berg" Oh yes he will came back from the others. Obviously not everyone knows how good the CRM is still.

The route was rally good with a good mix of fire roads, open moorland and some tricky bits. Perhaps the most suprising thing was the start of the second test. Stright into a climb which caught loads of people out, including myself on the final lap where I sort of tried riding up the bank!

I had a fall on the first lap in the final test and broke a clutch lever. I keep buying the cheap one's from LT and I should have learnt by now they are not very good. Anyt suggestions please on decent levers that don't brake?

Well, 4th in the trail class was a good result, what was not was 30th overall - I expected to be better than that but with so many enduro bikes its not suprising really.

There were loads of noisy bikes, even Brian Eland got told his bike was too noisy but they let him ride (that will be double standards then!), hello Brian I know you sometimes look at this forum.

As there is now a UK rally championship I think I will see how the Ryedale goes and perhaps enter the remaining events in Wales.

Oh, the alternator has gone on the van!

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Re: Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Post by Davey Munroe » 12 Jun 2009, 08:26

Hi all

Well, I'm pissed off about the rally, blinding event and at great course, However, just after the first test( on the second lap), I came off hard on the deep rutted down hill bit. KTM Rick rode my bike back up the hill and then I sat with it waiting for help - and hoping that my collar bone wasn.t broken. Cutting a long story short - Aberystwth A&E determined that it wasn.t broken, but I'd damaged my shoulder and it would probably take a while (and physio) to repair. So my shoulders still knackered but - Who's up for the Ryedale then? -
Great day regardless, definately one of the best courses IMHO.

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Re: Return of the Tarrenig Rally

Post by knackeredMk1 » 12 Jun 2009, 09:19

I thought it might be you just ahead of me that went down very heavily almost at the top of the downhill. We had had a bit of a gentle ding dong from the start of the 1st section to this point :?:

Hope you recover soon.

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