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new to this---But own 4 CRMs

Posted: 29 Apr 2016, 21:51
by mckj
Hi fellow CRM owners,,,Iam new to this group & posting Iam in the U.S.--SoCal I 1st found out about CRMs in 1988-89. Bought my 1st 1 from a shop in Japan for 2800 US dollars it came in the Honda crate,,,and I still have this bike. I have bought 3 more since,,a 1994, a 1996 & a 1998AR Love them all. I shoot photos for a company here in the US called Parts Unlimited--I mostly shoot there Racing photos--Supercross-Areanacross-GNCC-Desert racing & MotoGPs I use my CRMs to get around the tracks & just go exploring in the Deserts of SoCal--Nevada-& Arizona.

Re: new to this---But own 4 CRMs

Posted: 29 Apr 2016, 21:56
by knackeredMk1
Welcome :) .

Is yours the Mk1 CRM that was in the video that was made at a Supercross event as I remember? Looked almost original apart from the fork gaitors as I remember

'A perfect trail bike' or something of the sort???

Sorry. Memory is not my strongest point!

Re: new to this---But own 4 CRMs

Posted: 30 Apr 2016, 16:25
by jompy
Welcome in bud

Re: new to this---But own 4 CRMs

Posted: 01 Jun 2016, 20:49
by fishtail
4? wow!

I could do with one! :P

hang on a minute - its not helisup with a new log in to fool his wife is it :D